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Moral Welfare Retraining
Dictation Session Test Subject:  It’s
impossible for her to let her mind wander, even for an instant; her concentration has
to be absolute at all times if she is to keep up with the dictation coming over
the earpiece.  But it is SO
difficult!  It is insistent, never
ending, eighteen hours a day… day after day after day after…. If she doesn’t
keep up there is an electric shock.  If
she misspells there is an electric shock. 
Then there are certain words which automatically come with an electric
shock – orgasm is one such; and anything to do with orgasm or sexual release.
The content is always sexual, the voice on the headset, sensual, soft,
seductive and feminine.  There are short
breaks for the toilet – always under close supervision – small meals are taken
at the desk.  Then it is always straight back
to work – typing up long drawn-out descriptive accounts of all manner of forms
of sexual activity hour after tedious hour. 
After, there will be an hour devoted to study of various erotic
magazines or other such material, sometimes a film or video to watch followed
by the mandatory six strokes of the cane, then an hour split between vigorous
exercise, shower and other ablutions and sometimes a medical examination before
bed, and a scant four hours sleep before it all begins anew.  The only break from the routine comes from
the twice-weekly counselling and psychiatric evaluation sessions– but that’s a different

Ha! We found each other here at last. Jolly good! Wringer

Ironicaly (or maybe not) I found you while searching for more of your work, as I had finaly got around to colating a folder for uploading to The Original Institute website (boy, there’s so much to do updating that site!).  One suprise was the nurse set.  I have a couple of theses on my hard drive already, from where I have no idea, but I had no idea they were yours.  For my taste that is almost as good as it gets, lacking only a more institutional background and context to be perfect.  Even the nurse’s dress is ‘right‘ in my book; the ‘National‘ I believe (two of my exes were nurses. Well. one was a student nurse; but thats close enough; and the dress was the same).

This isn’t so much of a question as a statement. I sent you a message “fan mail” a few days ago regarding the last 3 pictures you posted, stating their origin.

Sorry I haven’t got back to you.  It wasn’t long ago that I spotted that it was possible to send and recieve messages via Tumblr and it hasn’t yet become a habit to check.  I’m much faster to respond to emails and also my Blogger blog comments, but the comments get notified to me automaticaly by email whereas messages through Tumblr do not.  Thanks for the info re that film; I’m going to have to do some searches for other stills from it.  What is the plot line?  Anything I would relate to?  I have read a bit regarding wet and dry packs incidently.  There is quite a bit of literature about it.

THE ST. ALOYSIUS MERCY LODGE CHARITY MENTAL HOSPITAL LONG-TERM SECURE CARE & MORAL RE-EDUCATION UNIT FOR WAYWARD GIRLS DEEMED MENTALLY INCOMPETENT.  It all comes down to who judges what.  Who decides what constitutes mentally incompetent?  Who is it called upon to decide what it is that defines ‘wayward’ behaviour?  That was both the weakness and the strength (depending on which side of the barred windows you happen to be on) of some of those old Church-run establishments way back.  But given the assumption this is some real residential experimental psychology investigation our heroine has stumbled into, what then fascinates me is the power of labels, not only in governing how others treat her – including those she is mixing with as well as those in authority – but also in affecting how she begins to feel about herself and the affect that has in turn on her ability to stand up for herself and battle against the repression and disciplinary zeal of the system she has become tangled up in.  

THE ST. ALOYSIUS MERCY LODGE CHARITY MENTAL HOSPITAL LONG-TERM SECURE CARE & MORAL RE-EDUCATION UNIT FOR WAYWARD GIRLS DEEMED MENTALLY INCOMPETENT.  It all comes down to who judges what.  Who decides what constitutes mentally incompetent?  Who is it called upon to decide what it is that defines ‘wayward’ behaviour?  That was both the weakness and the strength (depending on which side of the barred windows you happen to be on) of some of those old Church-run establishments way back.  But given the assumption this is some real residential experimental psychology investigation our heroine has stumbled into, what then fascinates me is the power of labels, not only in governing how others treat her – including those she is mixing with as well as those in authority – but also in affecting how she begins to feel about herself and the affect that has in turn on her ability to stand up for herself and battle against the repression and disciplinary zeal of the system she has become tangled up in.  

The general tone of this one is very MUCH based on one of my novels:  INSTITUTIONALISED VOL 2 was subtitled ‘CONFINED IN THE WORKHOUSE‘

The general tone of this one is very MUCH based on one of my novels:  INSTITUTIONALISED VOL 2 was subtitled ‘CONFINED IN THE WORKHOUSE‘

If she opens her eyes she can see herself reflected in the mirror opposite.  She can see the tapering chromed nozzle suspended a full metre or so above her head.  She can watch, fascinated, as yet another heavy, silvery, oily viscous droplet of fluid ever so slowly develops at its tip, growing, elongating into that classic teardrop shape, stretching slightly as the surface tension holding it to the nozzle’s pointed tip slowly gives way to the force of gravity, hanging there for a moment seemingly suspended in space by an elastic thread before detaching itself, becoming a tumbling glistening sphere highlighted in the spotlights, seeming to fall in agonizing slow-motion then… Splat!  

An icy cold nerve-shocking piercing spear landing plumb dead centre of the neat one and a half centimetre diameter bald spot that has been carefully shaved in the centre of her head, right in the centre of her crown.  They could have shaved it all off – perhaps she should think herself lucky – but someone somewhere likes seeing her with her long hair.  So she shuts her eyes, tries not to think of the next droplet already forming, tries not to think about it, when it’s going to fall, when it’s going to land like an electric shock to her system.  But that only ADDS to the torture, not only the not knowing but also that closing her eyes reminds her of the pleasure of the escape of sleep, of how long it’s been since she has slept; the tumbling droplets coming every ten or fifteen seconds or so won’t let her sleep, just like they interrupt her thoughts, won’t let her escape the tedium through daydream, keep breaking her concentration.  

The room is pitch black apart from herself floodlit from above, the light arriving in a tightly focused beam, and the shining spot lit nozzle and is as silent as the grave; there is nothing to concentrate ON other than her furrowed brow, tear streaked cheeks…and the next droplet, growing, stretching…

Then a buzzer sounds.  A split second later a different type of shock hits her – and this one really IS electric, fed through electrodes arranged around her groin; near simultaneously a harsh but calm female voice, cultured, educated, commanding, fills the room:

“Open your eyes, please!”  

A moment later and the buzzer sounds again, closely followed by another sharp but harmless electric shock stinging the perineal region, that sensitive area between the vagina and the anus, but a little stronger this time:

“You must keep you eyes open at all times…”  The voice is patient, calm, but with a harsh edge to it.   “…otherwise you will be punished” the disembodied voice patiently adds, as if by way of explanation.  

The buzzer sounds one more time – this time there is no shock; her eyelids shoot open in time.  And straight away her gaze involuntarily goes up to that nozzle and the pendulous heavy droplet hanging there about to fall – she stares as if hypnotized as it tumbles down the spotlight beam unerringly to the very centre of the top of her skull as if guided by the tunnel of light.  She stares at herself in the mirror as she groans, the bursts into floods of tears… then her eyes flick back up to the nozzle- and she tries to steady herself as the next droplet begins to form.  

If she could speak she’d beg, but from behind that gag, which also doubles to immobilise her head, she can only whimper.  The sleep deprivation is the worst part, but there is also the isolation and the sheer bloody boredom of her surroundings and lack of activity.  

It’s not TOTALLY without letup, however. From time to time a stout busty woman in a bustling blue nurse’s dress and apron will enter, the drip will be turned off and the steel band across her mouth removed.  In total silence she will be spoon fed some sort of tasteless nutrient gruel.  At other times two uniformed nurses will enter.  She will be temporarily released from the chair, toileted under total supervision on a commode and cleaned up – always without a single word being spoken; no one ever speaks to her, and if she speaks herself she knows to expect a sharp slap around the face.  The only voice she ever hears is the one berating her to keep her eyes open.  

That latter point isn’t ENTIRELY the truth.  From time to time she is actually taken from the room for a short sojourn down the corridor outside, a windowless stretch of tedious bare white painted walls, plain grey lino and plain unmarked doors.  Even so she is constantly berated to look down at her feet, keep her hands clasped in front of her and not look round at her surroundings.  

There is an office she is taken to, with a mahogany desk and a kindly spoken mid-thirties woman in a tailored fitted skirt and white blouse sitting behind it.  The central light is always turned off and a heavy curtain drawn across what she assumes to be a window.  The only light is an angled desk lamp so she can see little other than the desk and the brightly lit attractive face of the woman sitting opposite.  

Always there is a cane lying prominently in view across the woman’s desktop.  And she knows from experience that, kindly spoken she might be, but that woman will have no compunction about using that pliant length of bamboo should she show any lack of what the woman terms ‘patient compliance’, just as she has no compunction about constantly bullying her over sitting up straight on the hard wooden chair set before the desk, keeping her back straight and her hands on her head throughout.  

Then come torrents of questions aimed at gauging her mood, mental state and other indices of psychological health and all manner of psychometric tests, cumulating in a verbal IQ test, all accompanied by scrupulous note-taking backed up by the occasional verbal comment made to one of the nurses regarding ‘a notable fall’ in this parameter or that index, ‘some evidence of memory deficit’ or ‘I think I can detect distinct evidence of neurosis and or psychosis’.  It’s all very scientific.  

For a while she’ll be left ignored while the woman consults someone on the phone… “…yes, yes… a NOTABLE deterioration in mental health I’d say.. IQ?  I’d say a decline of several points…”  These are the sort of overheard comments that eat away at her as she is led back to the room, the chair, the drip, drip, drip…                            

If she opens her eyes she can see herself reflected in the mirror opposite.  She can see the tapering chromed nozzle suspended a full metre or so above her head.  She can watch, fascinated, as yet another heavy, silvery, oily viscous droplet of fluid ever so slowly develops at its tip, growing, elongating into that classic teardrop shape, stretching slightly as the surface tension holding it to the nozzle’s pointed tip slowly gives way to the force of gravity, hanging there for a moment seemingly suspended in space by an elastic thread before detaching itself, becoming a tumbling glistening sphere highlighted in the spotlights, seeming to fall in agonizing slow-motion then… Splat!  

An icy cold nerve-shocking piercing spear landing plumb dead centre of the neat one and a half centimetre diameter bald spot that has been carefully shaved in the centre of her head, right in the centre of her crown.  They could have shaved it all off – perhaps she should think herself lucky – but someone somewhere likes seeing her with her long hair.  So she shuts her eyes, tries not to think of the next droplet already forming, tries not to think about it, when it’s going to fall, when it’s going to land like an electric shock to her system.  But that only ADDS to the torture, not only the not knowing but also that closing her eyes reminds her of the pleasure of the escape of sleep, of how long it’s been since she has slept; the tumbling droplets coming every ten or fifteen seconds or so won’t let her sleep, just like they interrupt her thoughts, won’t let her escape the tedium through daydream, keep breaking her concentration.  

The room is pitch black apart from herself floodlit from above, the light arriving in a tightly focused beam, and the shining spot lit nozzle and is as silent as the grave; there is nothing to concentrate ON other than her furrowed brow, tear streaked cheeks…and the next droplet, growing, stretching…

Then a buzzer sounds.  A split second later a different type of shock hits her – and this one really IS electric, fed through electrodes arranged around her groin; near simultaneously a harsh but calm female voice, cultured, educated, commanding, fills the room:

“Open your eyes, please!”  

A moment later and the buzzer sounds again, closely followed by another sharp but harmless electric shock stinging the perineal region, that sensitive area between the vagina and the anus, but a little stronger this time:

“You must keep you eyes open at all times…”  The voice is patient, calm, but with a harsh edge to it.   “…otherwise you will be punished” the disembodied voice patiently adds, as if by way of explanation.  

The buzzer sounds one more time – this time there is no shock; her eyelids shoot open in time.  And straight away her gaze involuntarily goes up to that nozzle and the pendulous heavy droplet hanging there about to fall – she stares as if hypnotized as it tumbles down the spotlight beam unerringly to the very centre of the top of her skull as if guided by the tunnel of light.  She stares at herself in the mirror as she groans, the bursts into floods of tears… then her eyes flick back up to the nozzle- and she tries to steady herself as the next droplet begins to form.  

If she could speak she’d beg, but from behind that gag, which also doubles to immobilise her head, she can only whimper.  The sleep deprivation is the worst part, but there is also the isolation and the sheer bloody boredom of her surroundings and lack of activity.  

It’s not TOTALLY without letup, however. From time to time a stout busty woman in a bustling blue nurse’s dress and apron will enter, the drip will be turned off and the steel band across her mouth removed.  In total silence she will be spoon fed some sort of tasteless nutrient gruel.  At other times two uniformed nurses will enter.  She will be temporarily released from the chair, toileted under total supervision on a commode and cleaned up – always without a single word being spoken; no one ever speaks to her, and if she speaks herself she knows to expect a sharp slap around the face.  The only voice she ever hears is the one berating her to keep her eyes open.  

That latter point isn’t ENTIRELY the truth.  From time to time she is actually taken from the room for a short sojourn down the corridor outside, a windowless stretch of tedious bare white painted walls, plain grey lino and plain unmarked doors.  Even so she is constantly berated to look down at her feet, keep her hands clasped in front of her and not look round at her surroundings.  

There is an office she is taken to, with a mahogany desk and a kindly spoken mid-thirties woman in a tailored fitted skirt and white blouse sitting behind it.  The central light is always turned off and a heavy curtain drawn across what she assumes to be a window.  The only light is an angled desk lamp so she can see little other than the desk and the brightly lit attractive face of the woman sitting opposite.  

Always there is a cane lying prominently in view across the woman’s desktop.  And she knows from experience that, kindly spoken she might be, but that woman will have no compunction about using that pliant length of bamboo should she show any lack of what the woman terms ‘patient compliance’, just as she has no compunction about constantly bullying her over sitting up straight on the hard wooden chair set before the desk, keeping her back straight and her hands on her head throughout.  

Then come torrents of questions aimed at gauging her mood, mental state and other indices of psychological health and all manner of psychometric tests, cumulating in a verbal IQ test, all accompanied by scrupulous note-taking backed up by the occasional verbal comment made to one of the nurses regarding ‘a notable fall’ in this parameter or that index, ‘some evidence of memory deficit’ or ‘I think I can detect distinct evidence of neurosis and or psychosis’.  It’s all very scientific.  

For a while she’ll be left ignored while the woman consults someone on the phone… “…yes, yes… a NOTABLE deterioration in mental health I’d say.. IQ?  I’d say a decline of several points…”  These are the sort of overheard comments that eat away at her as she is led back to the room, the chair, the drip, drip, drip…                            

Once again, bugger all to do with the new book or anything I am currently writing, but a lot to do with comments and emails I’ve received about a posting I put out on my Blogger blog - Behind The Barred Window.  Judging by the emails I get, this weight-gain thing seems a contentious issue, possibly due to the misconception of equating the aim with gross or morbid obesity, which might be the ‘thing’ of some of the more extreme folk on the erotic weight-gain sites but definitely isn’t mine . One the other hand, there seems a lot of folk out there who do get the idea of the control aspect.  As far as I’m concerned, whether the aim is weight gain or weight loss (which DOES feature in the new book), what is important in the present context is that it is at the whim of some other individual other than the subject herself.

Once again, bugger all to do with the new book or anything I am currently writing, but a lot to do with comments and emails I’ve received about a posting I put out on my Blogger blog – Behind The Barred Window.  Judging by the emails I get, this weight-gain thing seems a contentious issue, possibly due to the misconception of equating the aim with gross or morbid obesity, which might be the ‘thing’ of some of the more extreme folk on the erotic weight-gain sites but definitely isn’t mine . One the other hand, there seems a lot of folk out there who do get the idea of the control aspect.  As far as I’m concerned, whether the aim is weight gain or weight loss (which DOES feature in the new book), what is important in the present context is that it is at the whim of some other individual other than the subject herself.

Yes, the pounds are piling on - but not quick enough.  The  high calorie diet is helping, but she’s still holding back, still a restrained eater.  She’s not reached this weeks weight-gain target… but a good hard caning should encourage her to fill out those bottle green knickers!

Yes, the pounds are piling on – but not quick enough.  The  high calorie diet is helping, but she’s still holding back, still a restrained eater.  She’s not reached this weeks weight-gain target… but a good hard caning should encourage her to fill out those bottle green knickers!